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Adding relationships

Use relationship arrows to show connections between topics that are not shown by the map's structure. You can jump between the topics connected by a relationship (especially useful on large maps where the relationship spans a long distance). To explain or qualify the connection, add a callout as a label. Relationships are not displayed in Outline View.

To add a relationship:

  1. Click the Relationship toolbar button on the Insert tab or choose Insert > Relationship.

  2. Click the first topic and then the second.

  3. To add a callout (label) on the relationship, Control-click the line and choose Insert Callout.

    To automatically add a callout label to each new relationship choose MindManager > Preferences and select "Add callouts to new relationships."

Hint:You can also add a relationship by dragging one topic over another, releasing the mouse button when the menu button appears, and choosing Insert Relationship.

To jump to a topic connected by the relationship:

  1. Control-click the relationship arrow.

  2. In the shortcut menu choose Jump To {topicname}. A Jump To command is displayed for the topics at both ends of the relationship.

The relationship's initial format (line style, color and ends) is determined by the overall Map Theme. To learn more about formatting relationships and using Map Themes see the Related Topics below.

Related Topics

MindManager Preferences

Formatting relationships

About Map Themes

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