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Sharing and sending your maps

Once you save your maps, you can share them with others, even if they aren't MindManager users. The easiest way to share maps and other documents is by using Mindjet Files in the cloud.

Use Mindjet Files as the destination for saving maps and uploading documents, and then invite other people to share them. If they are already Mindjet users, you can choose to let them edit the shared maps.

To distribute maps to other people who use MindManager mapping software without using the cloud, you can send maps in their native format.

Sharing documents online

What are Mindjet Files and Mindjet Tasks?

Getting started with Mindjet Files and Tasks in the cloud

MindManager for Mac - Mindjet Files and Tasks Help (online)

Sending maps

Emailing Maps

Sending a map via Messages or iChat

Tips for working with other MindManager editions